Seattle friends: the Washington National Park Fund is hosting a special musical performance by the Northwest Symphony Orchestra and the Musical Mountaineers at Benaroya Hall - to be played against a backdrop of scenic photos…including one or two of mine! Tickets are available at, or the link below this photo.
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Somewhere between Seattle and the Mount St. Helens area stretches the sprawling, crisp Swift Reservoir. We stopped just as pinprick rain began to fall, and were greeted by misty hilltops and a family of ducks eager to see if we’d brought food.
Photography-wise, I always have the most fun in a brand session. Not only does a brand session require you to make creative use of a set of client-provided items and locations, its success depends on how well you can put yourself in someone else’s shoes and get to know their personality, taste, and needs…and even anticipate some needs or preferences that might not have occurred to them in the moment. You know, those great lightbulb moments when “shall we try this?” is answered with “wait - YES!”
Below: a modest sampling of favorite shots from a recent brand photography session for Lauren Haley Studios in Sugar Land, TX.