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Discovery Park


Discovery Park


At the base of a substantial hill in west central Seattle and right on Puget Sound across from Bainbridge Island is a beach park that feels surprisingly remote for a place just 6 miles from downtown. The other week, we took a masked, distanced park walk with old friends and their beautiful, well-trained border collie.


Mountain Dog


Mountain Dog


A few weekends ago, I went on a masked neighborhood trail hike with a good friend who grew up in the area. I actually met him (and his adorable now 12 year-old dog) in Houston six years ago, and by coincidence now live within a few miles of each other again. They showed us some little-known local trails and this high energy pupper smiled the entire time


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Festive Fur-Friends

This family's tree was so lovely I had to try my luck at getting it in the background of a few pet shots. I was primarily inspired by Ribsy (15 year old tortoiseshell cat), who looks so young, magical and full of wonder as she pokes around the tree's lowest branches and sniffs at the boxes underneath. 

Many treats were involved in the capture of these two images…and very, very many motion-blurred outtakes.

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